Welcome to Oxipack Care+
Maximize your product quality management with Oxipack Care+, our premium service package designed to deliver priority support, proactive maintenance, and exclusive resources.

Introduce pricing plans
We offer two distinct plans to cater to your support needs: our Standard Support plan, which is included free with every Oxipack machine, and our Oxipack Care+ premium plan for those who require maximum efficiency and priority service. Choose the plan that fits your production demands and ensures optimal performance.

time slots.
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Key Benefits of Oxipack Care+
Get support for quotes, spare parts, and troubleshooting within 24 hours.
Benefit from proactive maintenance scheduling and more flexible timeslots.
Access MyOxipack for troubleshooting guides, instruction videos, and self-service tools.
Receive program updates, IT support, and custom software changes.
Oxipack handles EXW shipments and customizes shipping documents to meet your requirements.
Enjoy earlier machine shipments and extended on-site support options when needed.
Why Choose Oxipack Care+?
Experience exceptional support and ensure your production line runs with maximum efficiency.
A centralized platform for maintenance guides, troubleshooting, and support resources.
Plan ahead with maintenance schedules that help prevent unexpected downtime.
Response times within 24 hours for quotes, spare parts, and troubleshooting.
Extended availability for in-person troubleshooting and issue resolution.
Let Oxipack handle EXW shipments and adjust shipping documents as required.
Utilizing our expertise, we consistently find customized leak detection solutions.
Experience the difference firsthand – book a demo today and discover how our expertise can elevate your leak detection capabilities.